I enjoy speaking to large and small groups. In the last two years I have spoken to conventions in Boston, San Jose and Saratoga Springs, as well as an international group in Singapore. My topics include:
Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Ask a Psychologist, but Have Been Too Shy to Ask​
The Bitch in Your Head: How to Finally Squash Your Inner Critic
I frequently am a guest on radio and television shows and have appeared on the Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS Morning News, NIGHTLINE, CNN and Fox and Friends.
“I have never seen 800 women so quiet at one time. The audience was spellbound and totally engrossed in what she was saying. We have held this event for 25 years and people in the community are still saying that this was the best ever.” - Angels of Easter Seals, Boardman, Ohio
“The best speaker we’ve had in years.” - Rotary Club of Larchmont, New York
“Our graduation ceremony honors over 300 graduates. She inspired men and women alike with her dignified yet rousing call to action.” - Attendee from Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore
An example of me speaking about The Bitch in Your Head: